The Wishlist Book Tag

Yeah, I know it’s Monday, and that it’s time for a TBR post. BUT! I have some big surprises coming later this week or early next week and a TBR might spoil it. So, we are going to do this tag that I found at The Book Prophet

Tis’ an amazing blog. You should check it out.

1. Pick the two books you most want to purchase/receive at this moment




Yesterday my family and I went to Barnes & Noble, and I found TFIOS, but unfortunately I hit my budget for awhile. As for The Last Guardian, I can’t find it ANYWHERE! .(

2. Pick a book that you have wanted for the longest time


I have wanted this for years! But my dad won’t buy it because he says I already own it. THE BOOK WEIGHS FOUR POUNDS AND HOW ON EARTH AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THAT?! It has all three LOTR books as well as the afterwards, calendars, and so on. I can’t even pick the darn thing up!

3. Pick a sequel or companion story that you want to own


I just bought Mockingjay at the thrift store, and I already own The Hunger Games, but Catching Fire is proving very illusive.

4. Pick an entire series (or box set) that you want to get your hands on


There are literally dozens of series I could choose, but I’ll stick with The Lunar Chronicles cause I really want it.

5. Pick a book from a favorite author of yours that you want to own

*Cue maniacal laughter*

Just one?! There are so many to choose from! Hmmm, maybe I’ll get lucky on my 16th b-day….

To answer that question-


I love the first two PJ books (that’s all I’ve been able to get my hands on) and I also adored The Sword of Summer. I’m hoping to get this one soon.

6. Pick a popular book that you really want on your shelves


I have heard so many good things about this book. I just hope I won’t have to wait long.

7. Pick a book that you just recently decided that you wished to own


I wasn’t sure I wanted to read this until I saw it at B&N. Now its on my TBR. Along with hundreds of others.

8. Pick a book that is either in the mail or you are going to purchase next



9. Pick a hidden gem novel that you would like to read


Does this count? I discovered it a few months ago and it seems pretty cool.

10. Finally, pick a new release you really want to have


Not sure if this counts as a “new release”, but I would like to read it since I loved Clockwork Angel so much.

Well, that was fun! I’ll just leave this open for whoever wants to do it.


One thought on “The Wishlist Book Tag

  1. thebookprophet

    Thanks for linking back to my blog so I could read your post! The Lunar Chronicles is a favorite series of mine so hopefully you’ll get the chance to pick it up sometime soon!

    Liked by 1 person

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