The Mystery Blogger Award!!! (#2)

The first time I did this award, I wasn’t nominated. Yes, I cheated. But only because the questions were sooooo good, and I’d never done it before! You can find my first one here. I was nominated by JoBeth this time. Thank you so, so, so much!!!

Alrighty then! On to the- WAIT! I MUST TELL YOU!!!

I have started watching Phil Lester on Youtube. He is adorable! I love his videos already, and Dan is awesome as well.

OK, back to the award-

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  6. Nominate roughly 10-20 people for this award
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs.
  8. Ask your nominees five questions.
  9. Share a link to your best/favorite post that you’ve written


Thanks to the creator, OKOTO ENIGMA’S BLOG, for making this award.

Three boring facts about me-

  1. I am allergic to aged cheese. (Have I mentioned this before?)
  2. love fish, crawfish, crab, shrimp, and lobster. But, unfortunately, I am allergic to these as well. (Not that that stopped me from getting salmon on my salad today [what is up with my weird allergies? I’m allergic to broccoli, for Chuck’s sake!])
  3. Mumford & Sons is my favorite band.

The Questions!!! (3 is the appropriate number of !)

Is there a book that you continuously recommend to people?

Definitely a book full of feels, so lets go with-


I would recommend this to anyone who would listen. (So, basically no one?)

What is the number one thing that you look for in a book?

Other than a good cover, a sound review from a book blog I follow. I trust y’alls opinions so much.

What is your favorite kind of blog post to write?

Tags! I love doing book tags most. The best part about them is that I get to read other peoples opinions on books! *Sigh* They’re just great. .)

If you could be any book/movie/TV show character for a day, who would you be?


Where was the coolest vacation that you ever went on?

Every year on the Monday before Mother’s day, my family and I go to Kerrville for a couple days. This year was wonderful.

I nominate-

  1. The Grinch
  2. Amy Walters
  3. Tasya
  4. The Book Prophet

My Questions-

  2. What is your favorite song to listen to while reading?
  3. What is your favorite constellation?
  4. Have you ever flown in a plane?
  5. What is your biggest fear?

Best post- The ACB Book Tag

Favorite post- Basics of a Writer Tag (Original?)

That was really fun, I’ll be back soon!


6 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award!!! (#2)

      1. thebookprophet

        1) DO YOU LIKE FISH?! I like fish to eat, if that’s what you mean haha and they’re kind of cute (small fish that you keep as pets, I mean).
        2) What is your favorite song to listen to while reading? I don’t listen to music when I read, it’s too distracting.
        3) What is your favorite constellation? Oh gosh I don’t know! I’m not good with that stuff.
        4) Have you ever flown in a plane? Yup 🙂 Only as far as from Texas to California, though.
        5) What is your biggest fear? Plane crash? Lol that seems terrifying. And I hate clowns.

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